Monday, December 20, 2010

writing for Triond


Triond is a peer contributing we site that writers/ photographers/ videographers can get paid for by the views their content shows. contributors can post video, photos, articles, drawings, etc. Triond requires submissions to be original and not be copied from other sites.

contributors are paid a few ways: by the views their content receives, by their referrals, and by the views adsense receives. because of this, it would be very wise to have an adsense account if you are going to start contributing to Triond.

Why should you contribute to Triond? Because you be amazed at the unique knowledge that each person holds. for instance my Muay Thai kickboxing friends, wouldn't it be nice to have more resources available on Thai combinations? How about more videos for shorinryu karate weapons kata? How about more teaching techniques for androgogical learners? This knowledge is out there, but not on the Internet in any quantity. we have an unlimited amount of knowledge that we need to share with others, why not receive some money for it.

Now writing for Triond will not allow you to retire early. I look at it this way, any money that is made just goes into your pay pal account. so currently it helps to support my eBay habit. When I do get to finally retire, hopefully the income from my writing from various writing sites throughout the years will help to off set the lose of regular salary. I wish I started to contribute to Triond earlier, especially when I was in the navy traveling around the globe.

Triond is like many other writing sites in that after you write an article you an advertise it on facebook, digg, or other search engines. It does seem that most of you traffic comes from other Triond members, therefore, it is wise to establish a large base of friends in other Triond members.

Here is my federal link if you would like to sign up and give it a try

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