Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Repeal of DADT

The Senate just voted to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell allowing Homosexuals in the military.

If anyone read the survey results on the majority of military members said that the repeal would have minimal or no impact on mission accomplishment or their jobs.

One thing that was in the analysis that the media did not notice (shows they did not do their research - again) is that sexual orientation would not be a protected class. that means no separate housing, no separate barracks, no separate bathing facilities, etc. Everyone has the same allotted facilities and has to follow the same existing military policies. Let's face it fraternization and harassment is fraternization and harassment regardless of sexual orientation.

I was just watching the news (Fox and CNN) and they were already stating that housing facilities and barracks will be worked on at a later date. Well that was never the plan, and it was very clear in the reports.

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