Thursday, December 16, 2010

The major difference between men and women- SOAP

OK so we all know that men and women are different.

But the major difference between us is –SOAP.

Women have soaps with logical names, cucumber, melon passion, lavender, etc. We can tell what these are going to smell like without opening the containers. We just have to read the name and know that it will smell like a hibiscus flower in the summer morning dew.

But men’s soaps are totally different. We have soaps like; hurricane, thunder, sport, extreme sport, super extreme sports dry. I can figure out what any of these smell like by reading the names. I can’t even figure out what they are supposed to smell like when I do open the containers and give them a whiff. I actually have a soap whose sent is “snake peel.” I don’t even know what that means. Anyone that has picked up a garter snake before knows they don’t smell good at all. I also wonder if the smells like Hurricane and Tornado are pre or post storms, which could make a huge difference.

Perhaps the funniest thing is the man’s buff sponge. Have you seen these? They are part rubber, part sponge, and they may have a rough side to get the tough grim off. What did our fathers do in those days of old? After a tough day of working on the Studebaker I never once heard my father say “hey Barbara can you go to the store and get me a new luffa sponge?”

I think that would be funny. I would have a totally new opinion of my father if I ever heard him say “honey can you get me a new buff sponge I ruined this one with roof tar and deer blood.”

OK I admit I do have one of these sponges and some of these men’s scented soaps. I do like them even though I can figure out the smell psychology.

1 comment:

David Plouffe said...

I do appreciate that male soaps are generally in black containers which makes it easy to find in the array of female flower soaps.