Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I am Dave Plouffe, yes that Dave Plouffe

it's kind of funny. since Obama started campaigning for President, I have always been asked if I was the David Plouffe from Chicago that was his campaign manager. well needless to say, I am not that David Plouffe.

I have actually received people's resumes, opinions, and emails mention for Obama. If you look at some of the comments on my blog, you can see some people have thought they were posting comments to Obama. I can tell how some people might have gotten confused since my blog is so professional (not!).

Now remember that I am a government employee, a federal worker for the US Coast Guard Academy. So I end emails all the time to people all over the world. SO, some people have still thought my emails were coming from the David Plouffe that was with Obama, now the Commander in Chief. I should take this and run with it "the Commander in Chief said he needs your TPS report now!" However, I don't think this would fly for very long.

But if anyone wants to give a "campaign contribution" please contact me and it can be deposited to my pay pal account.

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