Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Day Off

The children and I have the day off today and tomorrow. I don't have much planned. I have a paper on Job Task Analysis I need to finish to finish a class on HR. Hopefully I can get that done today.

Tuesday the girls had Girl Scouts and Hailee had Basketball practice. I messed up at Girl Scouts. The School administration made a new policy that the school is to be locked down after 1515. If you need access to the school, a janitor will meet you at the door, letting you in. This is for every school in Chariho. What a poor policy. This places an unwanted obligation on the janitor. What will happen if a janitor lets someone in and something happens to school propriety? Is the janitor now responsible? Not to mention the community in the Chariho district use the schools all night long. There are adult education classes, sports, scouting, teacher meetings, etc...

Well anyways a janitor and myself kind of got into it, ruining my evening. He was just trying to enforce a bad policy, but I can't stand interrogation. Then to add to it, the girls forgot to bring ice cream stuff for girls scouts. Oh well, at least I'm not on a boat anymore. seems trivial to worry about ice cream when I used to worry about Test Depth, torpedo evasion, and remaining undetected.

Hailee had basketball practice on Tuesday after girl scouts. It was funny because her coach told the team that every time some one passed the ball using only one hand, they had to run two laps. Hailee ran so much she thought she was in Track.

The girls are having fun playing basketball, they are meeting new kids and enjoying themselves and that's what matters.

1 comment:

MikeLain said...

Chariho, Sucks always has always will.