Monday, December 31, 2007
New Years Eve
Well we hope that everyone is going to have a safe New Years Eve.
We are not going out tonight. Those days are gone. Even the "safe" New Years parties I question. Not everyone in Providence is going to participating in the Alcohol free festivities. I've spent to many nights on watch while I was in the navy to see and hear about deaths in one the highway. Usually the deaths I seen in the navy, the sailor was sober (trying to get back to base after being with his girlfriend) and was hit by a drunk driver. Nothing good happens on the highway after 11 PM. There comes a time in life when there is just too much to lose, so you don't want to risk anything.
We have been enjoying our time off together. We didn't do much, just some local museums. It seems like we needed a few days just to put Christmas away.
The girls have been enjoying the time off to catch up on reading and video games.
Well work starts back up soon. Everyone have a safe and healthy New Years.
We are not going out tonight. Those days are gone. Even the "safe" New Years parties I question. Not everyone in Providence is going to participating in the Alcohol free festivities. I've spent to many nights on watch while I was in the navy to see and hear about deaths in one the highway. Usually the deaths I seen in the navy, the sailor was sober (trying to get back to base after being with his girlfriend) and was hit by a drunk driver. Nothing good happens on the highway after 11 PM. There comes a time in life when there is just too much to lose, so you don't want to risk anything.
We have been enjoying our time off together. We didn't do much, just some local museums. It seems like we needed a few days just to put Christmas away.
The girls have been enjoying the time off to catch up on reading and video games.
Well work starts back up soon. Everyone have a safe and healthy New Years.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
A Christmas Carol
On Thursday night we went to go see Trinity Rep's production of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol. This was our second year going. Just like last year, it was amazing. To see such professional actors perform so flawlessly is awe inspiring. The girls love going to the theater. Even Jaiden (who was a little scared at the Ghosts) loved it. The Ghost of Christmas Past came flying out in a jester's costume doing areal acrobatics. So worth the trip to Providence.
Today we are going to the Indian Museum at Foxwoods. Yes there is actually a museum behind all the casinos. It is actually very impressive. It focuses on the Peqout Indians. But is very nicely done and you can spend all day there. The library in Ashaway has passes that I'm hoping to get so we don't have to pay for admission.
Today we are going to the Indian Museum at Foxwoods. Yes there is actually a museum behind all the casinos. It is actually very impressive. It focuses on the Peqout Indians. But is very nicely done and you can spend all day there. The library in Ashaway has passes that I'm hoping to get so we don't have to pay for admission.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Last night we went to see Disney Princesses on Ice. I promised Anna and Hailee that I wouldn't write or mention how much they loved it. I think they might get embarrased if their friends new. So I can't write about that.
But Jaiden loved it. She dressed up like Belle. We had really good seat on the floor. So after the show, she got to shake hands with the 'Princesses'.
Tonight we go see a Christmas Carol at Trinity Rep.
But Jaiden loved it. She dressed up like Belle. We had really good seat on the floor. So after the show, she got to shake hands with the 'Princesses'.
Tonight we go see a Christmas Carol at Trinity Rep.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Well the children had a great Christmas. They got everything! Well at least it seems that way. Ginger and Eric gave the kids Ipods. Which I had on video, but for some reason it wouldn't transfer to the computer! Anna and Hailee were actually dancing around singing "I got an Ipod!". Jaiden got many princess items. She got a vanity that has Dora the explorer on it.
Tonight we are going to see Disney Princesses on Ice! Gone are the day of sneaking out of the bedroom window at night to go see Ozzy and Van Halen, nothing but Disney on Ice from now on! Tomorrow night we are going to see Trinity Reps Christmas Carol. If you ever in Providence, Trinity is one of the best playhouses I've been to.
I've been writing many articles on the associated content. They do actually pay. It's pretty fun and a good way to get published. Hopefully I'll be getting a phone call from a big publishing house! Yeah right, I have to finish this dissertation first.
Tonight we are going to see Disney Princesses on Ice! Gone are the day of sneaking out of the bedroom window at night to go see Ozzy and Van Halen, nothing but Disney on Ice from now on! Tomorrow night we are going to see Trinity Reps Christmas Carol. If you ever in Providence, Trinity is one of the best playhouses I've been to.
I've been writing many articles on the associated content. They do actually pay. It's pretty fun and a good way to get published. Hopefully I'll be getting a phone call from a big publishing house! Yeah right, I have to finish this dissertation first.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
In Recovery
Well it was Friday evening, we were all getting ready to get some Christmas cheer. We wanted to go see some Christmas lights and visit Eva and my Mom. Then Crash on the roof! I thought something fell over in the closet but when we looked out the window, a Hawk was on top of our pigeon Snowy. The Hawk must have attacked her from some height.
We sacred the Hawk off of Snowy before he could dig his talons in too deep. Luckily the Hawk didn't fly off with her. Snowy then took off for the gas station. The girls and I were calling for her and some nice guy (didn't get his name-but we owe him a big thanks) came in the back and said a bird just flew under his car while he was pumping gas.
So we were able to get Snowy out from under the car. She was bleeding pretty bad under her wing. Lynne and Hailee took her to the vet where he decided she didn't have any internal injuries, but had five puncture wounds. He gave her some antibiotics and some more to take home. The first three day is crucial because birds can go into shock. She made it through the first big hurdle; the first night.
What a lucky bird. We have grown very attached to this bird. She has a lot of personality. Unlike anything I have ever seen before. She pecks at the window when she wants to come in. She tells us when she is hungry. She follows us around the yard like a dog. She even comes when she is called.
I don't think she'll be spending much time outside any day soon.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Anna and Hailee had their school Christmas Concert on Tuesday. They did very good. Here is a video clip of the concert. Anna is on second string trumpet so she is in the back row. Hailee is first string clarinet right in front. Talk about Hailee being a trooper, she got her braces that afternoon, and still made it to the concert!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Jaiden at Basketball
Jaiden had her first basketball practice yesterday. I couldn't go, Anna and Hailee had a birthday party to go to. Lynne and Grandpa took Jaiden and were able to get some video.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Basketball Saturday!
Hailee played at 0800 this morning, her team lost. Hailee is getting much better at defense. She's learning to move around and block the players that she is supposed to be.
Anna's team played at 0900. Anna's team won. Anna's is getting pretty good. She got a foul shot and another basket. She got a couple of assists. If she can only pay attention to her team and not her friends on the side she'll do much better.
Jaiden's first practice is at 1430. I'll miss it since I have to take Anna and Hailee to a birthday party.
Anna's and Hailee's mid term grade came in. Hailee is getting all As and Anna is getting one B+ and the rest As.
Got my snow blower working. I left the old gas in and it rusted the piston. I put some engine lubricant in and let it sit for a while. After a few hours and allot of elbow grease, up and running. Good thing because more snow tonight.
Anna's team played at 0900. Anna's team won. Anna's is getting pretty good. She got a foul shot and another basket. She got a couple of assists. If she can only pay attention to her team and not her friends on the side she'll do much better.
Jaiden's first practice is at 1430. I'll miss it since I have to take Anna and Hailee to a birthday party.
Anna's and Hailee's mid term grade came in. Hailee is getting all As and Anna is getting one B+ and the rest As.
Got my snow blower working. I left the old gas in and it rusted the piston. I put some engine lubricant in and let it sit for a while. After a few hours and allot of elbow grease, up and running. Good thing because more snow tonight.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Fight Global Warming??????
The Day Off
The children and I have the day off today and tomorrow. I don't have much planned. I have a paper on Job Task Analysis I need to finish to finish a class on HR. Hopefully I can get that done today.
Tuesday the girls had Girl Scouts and Hailee had Basketball practice. I messed up at Girl Scouts. The School administration made a new policy that the school is to be locked down after 1515. If you need access to the school, a janitor will meet you at the door, letting you in. This is for every school in Chariho. What a poor policy. This places an unwanted obligation on the janitor. What will happen if a janitor lets someone in and something happens to school propriety? Is the janitor now responsible? Not to mention the community in the Chariho district use the schools all night long. There are adult education classes, sports, scouting, teacher meetings, etc...
Well anyways a janitor and myself kind of got into it, ruining my evening. He was just trying to enforce a bad policy, but I can't stand interrogation. Then to add to it, the girls forgot to bring ice cream stuff for girls scouts. Oh well, at least I'm not on a boat anymore. seems trivial to worry about ice cream when I used to worry about Test Depth, torpedo evasion, and remaining undetected.
Hailee had basketball practice on Tuesday after girl scouts. It was funny because her coach told the team that every time some one passed the ball using only one hand, they had to run two laps. Hailee ran so much she thought she was in Track.
The girls are having fun playing basketball, they are meeting new kids and enjoying themselves and that's what matters.
Tuesday the girls had Girl Scouts and Hailee had Basketball practice. I messed up at Girl Scouts. The School administration made a new policy that the school is to be locked down after 1515. If you need access to the school, a janitor will meet you at the door, letting you in. This is for every school in Chariho. What a poor policy. This places an unwanted obligation on the janitor. What will happen if a janitor lets someone in and something happens to school propriety? Is the janitor now responsible? Not to mention the community in the Chariho district use the schools all night long. There are adult education classes, sports, scouting, teacher meetings, etc...
Well anyways a janitor and myself kind of got into it, ruining my evening. He was just trying to enforce a bad policy, but I can't stand interrogation. Then to add to it, the girls forgot to bring ice cream stuff for girls scouts. Oh well, at least I'm not on a boat anymore. seems trivial to worry about ice cream when I used to worry about Test Depth, torpedo evasion, and remaining undetected.
Hailee had basketball practice on Tuesday after girl scouts. It was funny because her coach told the team that every time some one passed the ball using only one hand, they had to run two laps. Hailee ran so much she thought she was in Track.
The girls are having fun playing basketball, they are meeting new kids and enjoying themselves and that's what matters.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Anna had basketball practice last night. She did very well. Anna and Hailee are getting much better with playing. It is their first year playing basketball. They are the youngest in their league. Their league is aged 11-15. Of course the girls are almost the tallest in their league, so it creates an interesting situation; being the youngest and the tallest on the team.
Jaiden starts basketball Saturday. Anna and Hailee will be at a birthday during that time, so Lynne and I will have to schedule carefully. Hopefully I can get some video of Jaiden playing on the blog.
I posted allot more material on associated content. I know some people have been reading my articles. I have received some comments. Hopefully more people will read them.
Jaiden starts basketball Saturday. Anna and Hailee will be at a birthday during that time, so Lynne and I will have to schedule carefully. Hopefully I can get some video of Jaiden playing on the blog.
I posted allot more material on associated content. I know some people have been reading my articles. I have received some comments. Hopefully more people will read them.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Stroll around Ashaway

Well the stroll around Ashaway is happening today.
Jaiden had breakfast with Santa at the Lucky House resturant.
Anna and Haille had their first basketball game (against each other). Anna's team won 32-14. Anna got one hoop and some assists. Hailee had a bunch of assists and played some great defense. Hailee's team had some players out also.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
I guess the question can may be asked about why did I set up this blog? there really is a couple of reasons:
1. I can easily post pictures and happenings to send to family members throughout the world.
2. Since I do college through distance learning, many times I have to submit bios and writing examples. Using a blog, I can refer my professors to this blog and they'll know a little more about me.
3. I miss my family members that are spread everywhere, I guess through writing I feel closer.
4. Expressing myself in writing helps to maintain my sanity.
I hope that some people will regularly refer to this blog and send it to people that would be interested.
1. I can easily post pictures and happenings to send to family members throughout the world.
2. Since I do college through distance learning, many times I have to submit bios and writing examples. Using a blog, I can refer my professors to this blog and they'll know a little more about me.
3. I miss my family members that are spread everywhere, I guess through writing I feel closer.
4. Expressing myself in writing helps to maintain my sanity.
I hope that some people will regularly refer to this blog and send it to people that would be interested.
"The Daily Telegraph in Sydney reported that those portraying Santa Claus in the nation's largest city must not use the Jolly Old Elf's traditional laugh because it could be offensive to women.
Instead, the Santas are being told, they should say "ha, ha, ha," the newspaper reported."
This cracks me up for a couple of reasons:
1. The word is not, nor ever has been 'ho'. It was 'Whore' which I hope Santa will not be yelling out anytime soon.
2. Which committee decided that 'ho' was offensive to all the 'hos' out there? Is there a lobbying group of 'hos against Santa' that we should know about? Is this lobbying group making campaign contributions?
Instead, the Santas are being told, they should say "ha, ha, ha," the newspaper reported."
This cracks me up for a couple of reasons:
1. The word is not, nor ever has been 'ho'. It was 'Whore' which I hope Santa will not be yelling out anytime soon.
2. Which committee decided that 'ho' was offensive to all the 'hos' out there? Is there a lobbying group of 'hos against Santa' that we should know about? Is this lobbying group making campaign contributions?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Many of the young sailors ask me about my education, how I did it, and how much did it cost?
Basically, through the use of CLEP, DSST and Excelsior exams, I got my two undergraduate degrees (BS in Business from Excelsior, BA in History from Thomas Edison). These exams are free to the military and cost about $125 for civilians. they are offered in many disciplines and excepted by many different colleges.
While I was attached to the USS Toledo, I completed my MLS in Leadership (from University of OK)using the Navy college Program Afloat College (NCPACE) program. The NCPACE program is free to active duty military while attached to seagoing commands. The college courses are offered using distance learning (CD-ROM).
Now I am using the GI bill that I contributed into to help pay for my PhD from Northcentral.
Many people might say "you had this opportunity because of the military". While this is true, I have had some great opportunities, the same is true with anyone. In many states a disabled Vet can go to college for free. Also many states have 'job training' programs that provide seats in college for unemployed workers. Self study programs (CLEP, DSST) are available to anyone that can read. I remember studying "Middle East conflicts for dummies" to pass the the DSST exam on middle eastern conflicts.
Anyone can do this! Anyone that knows me, knows I am not the smartest guy.
Basically, through the use of CLEP, DSST and Excelsior exams, I got my two undergraduate degrees (BS in Business from Excelsior, BA in History from Thomas Edison). These exams are free to the military and cost about $125 for civilians. they are offered in many disciplines and excepted by many different colleges.
While I was attached to the USS Toledo, I completed my MLS in Leadership (from University of OK)using the Navy college Program Afloat College (NCPACE) program. The NCPACE program is free to active duty military while attached to seagoing commands. The college courses are offered using distance learning (CD-ROM).
Now I am using the GI bill that I contributed into to help pay for my PhD from Northcentral.
Many people might say "you had this opportunity because of the military". While this is true, I have had some great opportunities, the same is true with anyone. In many states a disabled Vet can go to college for free. Also many states have 'job training' programs that provide seats in college for unemployed workers. Self study programs (CLEP, DSST) are available to anyone that can read. I remember studying "Middle East conflicts for dummies" to pass the the DSST exam on middle eastern conflicts.
Anyone can do this! Anyone that knows me, knows I am not the smartest guy.
Welcome to my new Blog.
I intend to maintain this blog to keep family, friends and associates up to date on happenings with me and my family.
What's happening with the family:
Anna and Hailee just started their first year of basketball. It is funny, their first game is Saturday, against each other! It will be difficult for a dad cheering on the side lines. No matter what I know that they are dedicated and have team spirit. Jaiden starts basketball in a few weeks. It should be so cute watching her play.
I am working as a Learning Standards Officer at Naval Submarine School in Groton. I do instructor evaluations, curriculum development and instruction design. Its a good job, I write allot! I publish a weekly newsletter that is distributed to all the submarine training commands. So much different than being in uniform! I am still pursuing my PhD in Education. I am finishing my seventh course, soon to start the dissertation process. I hope to get a part time teaching gig at Northcentral or SIU on the base after completing this.
Below is a link to some of my articles published on Associated Content:
I also have a music space on http://www.acousticfriends.com/. I am very delinquent in building my page and posting some music, but give me some time.
Later Dave
I intend to maintain this blog to keep family, friends and associates up to date on happenings with me and my family.
What's happening with the family:
Anna and Hailee just started their first year of basketball. It is funny, their first game is Saturday, against each other! It will be difficult for a dad cheering on the side lines. No matter what I know that they are dedicated and have team spirit. Jaiden starts basketball in a few weeks. It should be so cute watching her play.
I am working as a Learning Standards Officer at Naval Submarine School in Groton. I do instructor evaluations, curriculum development and instruction design. Its a good job, I write allot! I publish a weekly newsletter that is distributed to all the submarine training commands. So much different than being in uniform! I am still pursuing my PhD in Education. I am finishing my seventh course, soon to start the dissertation process. I hope to get a part time teaching gig at Northcentral or SIU on the base after completing this.
Below is a link to some of my articles published on Associated Content:
I also have a music space on http://www.acousticfriends.com/. I am very delinquent in building my page and posting some music, but give me some time.
Later Dave
David Plouffe,
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