Thursday, January 6, 2011

Humanity's most contagious disease- fashion!

We are social creatures. Being social creatures we tend to want to fit in and look like each other. We also want to give the appearance of a greater social status than what we actually have so we can impress our other advanced primates of our perceived status. We try to fit in through clothes and we increase our status through clothes. We have clothes for special occasions, we have clothes for work, we have clothes for play, we have our sleeping clothes, and we even have our special clothes that are supposed to attract our mate so we can remove these clothes.

It would be one thing if we just maintained the clothes we have, but we cannot. We have to continuously update these clothes, not because they need updating because of wear and tears, but because they are no longer fashionable. The clothes that we have are no longer 'allowable' to whatever fashion critic might see us in public. This even applies to our special mating clothes (that only our mate sees).

Nobody knows when these disease first effected mankind. Perhaps the average citizen in the middle ages wanted to look like royalty and mimicked the clothes the dukes, kings, and queens were wearing. Perhaps it goes back further, which I believe it does. The ice man that was found in the glaciers in northern Italy was estimated to be about 3000 years old. This man had tattoos on his body. Of course in the scientific journals we read about how the tattoos were a way to identify with his tribe, or a passage into some special religious ritual (all of this deep meaning stuff). My theory is that he most likely wanted to piss his parents off. He got the tattoos as some kind of teenage rebellion and then during the rest of his life, he regretted them. If he ever made it over the mountain, perhaps he would have found a Spencer gift shop and got some snake bite piercings.

Now my intentions are not to belittle someone who has a serious disease and compare them to the fashion disease. But it seems that we humans spend more money in our life time on keeping up with fashion than we spend on our medical insurance. It also seems to spread faster than most contagious disease. I think the popularity of 'crocs' spread faster than swine flu, and it infected more people! I never seen a media report on Crocs, I seen a lot on swine flu, yet it seemed more people had crocs than flu shots. Crocs might have done more damage also.

Perhaps the most infected by the fashion disease is the neediest. The youth especially the 20 something youth are very suspect to the fashion disease. At a time when in their life when they are already very pleasant to look at regardless, they spend tons of money (that they may not have) on trying to be more pleasant looking. Only to find out 10 years later that this fashion is out of date, they are losing their looks and in need of more fashion help, while they are still paying off the balances of hyper credit cards from buying the fashion from 10 years ago.

Of particular interest is the type of fashion that is uncomfortable, not practical, and wasteful. Is a pair of stiletto heels comfortable? Is a corset comfortable? To all the females reading this; I will let you in on a male secret: if we find you attractive in stiletto heels, chances are we will find you attractive without them.

Men: we too are victims. There are many men out there that have never worked out in their life, walking around with a TAPOUT shirt thinking they are a MMA star. How many guys out there had a “Big Johnson" shirt in the 1990s because you thought it was witty then got rid of them when your girlfriend found them offensive?

Let's face it; we all want to feel like we belong. But fashion is always a mystery. How is it that in one year everyone seems to be wearing shade leather boots outside their jeans, then the next years they are not? Was there some bulk email sent out? I was not on the distribution list, but my daughters were, so it cost me money!

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