Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The upcoming election

I am very concerned with the potential outcome of the upcoming American election.

Recently Americans are very concerned about rising home prices, raising food prices, raising medical bills, inflation, job loss, the mortgage crisis, the loss of manufacturing, a war that people are tired of and the growth of big government. Throughout history, these have been the reason that people have revolted against their government.

The upcoming election with Clinton, Obama, and McCain could very well rock America’s democratic institution.

Currently Clinton is leading Obama in the Super delegate count. However, Obama is leading Clinton in delegates and in the popular vote amongst democrats. Obama is very moving and his supporters are very loyal to him and his socialistic cause.

During the democratic convention if Clinton gets the democratic nomination due to the super delegate vote, while Obama maintains the popular vote, this might mark the end of the Democratic Party. America will view Clinton’s nomination as a political backroom deal between super delegates and the Clintons. They will feel that their candidate, Obama got cheated out of the nomination due to the established democratic political administration.

I fear there will be riots. The riots in LA in the early 1990s were triggered by Rodney King when home values were at decent prices and people had much to lose. Currently many people do not have that much to lose and they feel that their government is short changing them. If people feel cheated by the Clintons and the super delegates, they will riot.

The only way I see this scenario not happening is by the Clintons. Hillary would destroy herself by her own actions and words (Obama doesn’t seem to be throwing stones). Or Hillary must have so much dirt on Obama that he will destroy himself.

Many of the recent allegations against Obama do not seem to be sticking. Rev. Write seems to have little effect amongst his supporters. Obama’s lack of experience seems to have little effect on his momentum. Hillary will have to get a picture of Obama training with Al Qaeda to stop his momentum.

After the Hillary and Obama battle is over, if Obama survives and gets the nomination, there is another battle with McCain. I think there will be more turmoil at this level if Obama doesn’t win.

McCain needs to pick someone as a running mate that will affect the racial or gender bias. If McCain picks a man from the GOP, it will look like the same old routine. Like it or not, race and gender are factors in this election. McCain should pick someone like Governor Jodi Rell from Connecticut.

It just seems to be that America is at an implosion point. I fear that this election is the fuse that will light it.

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