Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Death to the virus!!

Well it seems that the flu has worked its way through our family. Lynne seems to be over it. It quickly hit Hailee. Jaiden and Anna seemed to be untouched. I was hit the worst. I am still tired from the flu. I wake up tired, I am tired at work, it takes all of my energy to go work out during lunch. However, it seems to be going away and I'm getting back to normal.

I finished my applied statistics class last week. I was surprised that I was able to pull of getting an A. Next I start an educational research class then I start the dissertation process. Hopefully I can finish by spring 2009.

The girls and I are taking Friday off. Rhode Island has good Friday as a holiday, even though it is not for the federal government. therefore it is going to cost me a day of leave. I'm not sure what we are going to do. It's supposed to be a nice day so maybe we'll go hiking, even though Jaiden hates to go hiking.

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