Sunday, February 17, 2008

The world is coming to an end

Well I have decided that the end is near. The apocalypse is amongst us and civilization will cease as we know it.

I like to write on Associated Content and post videos there. I don't get a lot of hits, but I get some. I know the topics I write about are not interesting to most people. Most people are not interested in history, teaching styles, guitar and banjo, and so on. I know I'm a bore.

Well two days ago AC had a call for content for various subjects. They do this all the time asking for people to research and write about a specific topics. I saw that they had one about Gary Coleman (Different Strokes fame) getting married. I said “I’ll write about that, it’s easy and will not take long; after all there was only one website and two blogs that even wrote about it.” Well while the rest of my articles received 5-10 hits, this article I wrote received 500 hits in 2 days! Amazing, just goes to show you that you never know what people will be interested in.

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