Thursday, September 11, 2008

The REAL Dave Plouffe please stand up!

For everyone knows, I am not the David Plouffe that is Obama's campaign manager. My political views are very far from Obama. I do not consider myself a Republican or a Democrat. The core values of both parties have changed with every election that it is difficult for someone to stick with one party. I know that many people right now are saying something like Republicans have always been against abortion. However, I am not talking about social issues.

Republicans are supposed to stand behind smaller Federal government and more power to State Governments right? That was the issues throughout the 1970s and 1980s. But Lincoln the father of the Republican party was for a strong federal government. And now many of the Republicans vote for smaller government (government never gets smaller).

but there are things we want a strong Federal government for- military and education. I know everyone recognizes the need for a strong federally supported military but I'll need to explain myself on education. Before the No Child Left Behind Act there was no standard curriculum for our children. States may have had curriculum for their state. But in today's world our children need to compete with children from other states. They need to get the same education no matter what state they are in. This creates an environment that allows children to move from Rhode Island to Massachusetts without losing education. It also allows high school graduates the opportunity to move to other states without losing creditability in their degree. This is the responsibility of the Department of Education which many republicans are against.

As for the Democrats that want a large Federal government and small state governments, I question why they desire a large federal government. They are routinely anti-military the primary reason for the existence of the federal government.

Now as for Obama and McCain. I do not particularly care for either of them. I am insulted that Obama is even considered for the highest office in the world, the Commander and Chief of the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and he can't even produce a birth certificate to prove he is qualified for the job. Should a man who doesn't say the Pledge of Allegiance be in control of enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world?

McCain has always been to wishy washy on issues for my liking.

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