Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Always in the doghouse

Well, I ended up shooting 2 rabbits and as you can imagine, I'm in the doghouse. I think I thinned the rabbit population in my backyard from 20 to 18, that's it.

To make matter worse a woodchuck got into my fenced in area and ate the lettuce. it of course gets worse, the woodchuck on seeing me runs into my fence and gets his leg stuck. I tried to free him, but he was trying to bite me. The kids are in the pool swimming with Lynne, so what am I to do? I get the pellet gun (pellets won't even penetrate the woodchuck skin), I hide the gun and shot the chuck in the ass. it ends up freeing itself and runs into a swamp area. Lynne found me looking for the chuck to see if it was suffering. It wasn't, but it must have looked real bad.

Last night the deer found the garden, they helped themselves to the corn. I was surprised to see that the deers eat the corn stalks at the base. They also eat the ears, but they bite the base of the stalk, it falls, then they eat the ears.

I have tried everything; wolf, fox, coyote urine, motion lights, pinwheels, fake owls, etc. the problem is that the animals are very used to humans, therefore they do not scare easily.

I can't complain, my freezer is already full of squash and zucchini. I already have about 12 quarts of pickles and more acorn squash that I know what to do with. Nothing has touched to tomatoes and I think I'll get allot of peppers.

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